Sunday, February 2, 2014

Feb 2014 Writing Challenge Day 2 The Relationship that could have been

Day 2 of the Feb 2014 Writing Challenge Past/Current Relationship

I am not currently in a relationship, so I will write about a past relationship. The relationship that could have been.

It was September 2005. Me and my college roommate Leandra headed down to Nashville to hit up one of the dance clubs. We were standing outside of Red Iguana club debating whether or not we wanted to go in. 2 guys and a girl walked up to us and asked us was this a good place to go into. I could tell that the one guy and girl were together. The other guy caught my eye. He was around 5'11, nice set of full lips, looked to be around 30. They go into the club and we follow them in.

It was a very bad night for me. First, this guy proceeds to grab my ass and tell me that he would "he would fuck me so hard I would bleed." Another guy came up and behind me and started dancing with me. When I tried to walk away he grabbed me and said "why you running. You scared of all this." I was so frustrated. I told Leandra I had to go sit down because I was fed up. I am sitting there people watching and up comes the guy from before. We will call him Derek*. (name have been changed). Derek and me talk for at least an hour. Even though the club was loud, I could still hear everything he was saying. We talked about where we were from, our age (me being 25 him being 31), jobs, etc. Our relationship status came up. Me single. Him relationship. He was staying in Nashville to finish up an architectural project. I was living in Kentucky. He asked if we could hang out sometime. I was hesitant to give him my number but did it anyway, for some reason I had a good feeling about him. Couldn't figure out why. We went out separate ways after a little while. Him to go back with his friends. Me to find Leandra. I figured I wouldn't hear from him again.

Flash to Jan 2006. I was working the overnight shift at a hospital. Around 1230, I checked my phone and I had a vmail. It was from Derek. He said that he was at a blues club and the song that was on reminded him of me. I was very excited that he called.  I had forgotten all about him.The next day I call him and we talked. I asked him was he still in a relationship. He told me that he wasnt. Him and his gf had broken up before Thanksgiving. I took him for his word. We make plans to go to a movie and to eat the next weekend.

Our first date was awesome. We went to the movies, out to eat, and after we had dinner, we went to Steak and Shake to get ice cream. And omg, was he a true gentleman. I didn't touch one door handle the whole night. Every door he opened, with no hesitation. I was not used to being treated this way. It actually freaked me out. He was so respectful, it scared me. Most of the guys I had talked to always wanted something. When he dropped me off, he gave me a hug and walked back to his car.

The first date was the beginning of the greatest 9 months in the history of Kendra's dating life. We had so much fun. I had never dated a guy that respected me. It took us 3 months to have our first kiss, another 2 months before we had sex. He never pressured me. He waited until I was ready. At the time, I was not big on affection. Derek was so affectionate. Like lets cuddle watching Katt Williams stand up. I mean seriously. Who cuddles watching stand up. The only time I paid for dates is when I insisted I pay. He always drove to me. I never had to beg him to come see me or to make dates. We text or talked on the phone every day. We talked about everything. He accepted me flaws and all.  We fought sometimes, but it was always resolved quickly. We never labeled what we had. We just knew it felt right.

Toward the end, I had a weird feeling. Like something wasnt right. He was being a little more secretive than usual. I finally came out and asked him what was going on. He told me that he had taken another job and that he was moving back home. He was moving in two weeks. We decided to break it off. We knew long distance wouldn't work out. So we ended it. I later found out he got back with the ex and had 2 kids.

Today is actually the 8th anniversary of our first date. Since Derek, I have dated a little. None of them has shown me the same respect he did. I have yet to meet a guy like him It was like God said I am going to give you a taste of this pie, not the whole one. Albeit brief, this time left an impression on me. He was my prototype. What I want in a guy. Hopefully, there is another Derek out there. I just have to be patient and know that he is out there.

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