Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Randomness that is My Life (now brought to you in cinemascope): Breaking down the walls of confirmity

The Randomness that is My Life (now brought to you in cinemascope): Breaking down the walls of confirmity: This is my first post in awhile. I'm doing my blog completely over because I have a lot to say. And I promise my blogs won't be supe...

Breaking down the walls of confirmity

This is my first post in awhile. I'm doing my blog completely over because I have a lot to say. And I promise my blogs won't be super long. Statistics show the average attention span is around like 10 mins. This blog will be a 5 minute blog. So kick back and relax as we delve into the randomness of Kendra's life.

Breaking down the walls of confirmity

I have been on meetup for around a year. I decided to join like 6 groups just because I was bored. I have never attended one meeting. Reasons being for because of my work schedule, if I was in Kentucky or not or just plain old scared. Let's delve into the scared part, shall we. I am extremely awkward. Like this awkward:

If you have never seen Awkward Black girl, where have you been? This show is freaking awesome. This particular episode has our heroine Jay at a party where she knows no one, but her boyfriend White Jay. Her friend Cece tags along, but ditches her to hang out with one of White Jay's friends, leaving Jay all alone. The way Jay felt at this party is how I feel when I am placed in social settings where I have no choice, but to talk to people. I never know what to say. Besides Hi My name is Kendra, I mean what can you follow that up with. And if people are already having a convo and you come up and interrupt, do you automatically jump in the convo?

Well, I decided to take a leap of faith. I RSVP'd to my first event. A meetup at Flying Saucer with the New to Nashville and Not So New to Nashville. I had never been to Flying Saucer plus added bonus, its right down the street from where I work. I asked my friend/co-worker Liz to go so I would at least have one person I could talk to.

As I am driving to Flying Saucer, my stomach is in knots. I'm thinking what in the holy hell have you gotten yourself into Kendra. I park and meet Liz at the door. We walk in and have a seat at the table. The co-organizer greets us and lets us know about the specials and introduces around to a few folks. At this point, I know I need alcohol so I order a beer. To give a little background on the venue, they have over 100 different beers. I am not much for beer other than Budweiser, but I am willing to try something new. One guy came up and introduced his self and he talked to us briefly. You could tell the people who were new and those who weren't. Those who were new kind of hung in a group, while the people who had been in the group for awhile, were in their own group. Me and Liz just hung back. And also let me add that we were the only black people in the room.

A young lady named Ani comes up and talks to us. It was her first meetup too. She expressed her nervousness too and how hard it was for her to strike up a convo. It was cool to talk to someone else who was just as nervous as I was. Me and Ani decided to go around and start speaking to people. We introduced ourselves to a few people and slowly my nervousness ended. Ani's husband had accompanied her and we stood and talked for awhile. They were such a cute couple and super nice people. Me and Ani exchanged numbers so we can hang out again. They had to leave because she had to study. After they left, I went around, introduced myself to a few more people, and joined in a few more conversations. And I did this all by myself. Liz was talking to a group of people and I went over and introduced myself to them.

It was soon time for me to leave because the draft was on. I found the co-organizer and told her that I had a great time and that I will be attending more meetups. She told me that everyone was saying how nice and friendly I was. In my head, I was doing the dance. This is the dance:

I was so proud of myself. I had finally stepped outside of my comfort zone. I was able to go up to people, introduce myself, and not feel awkward. Now if I can only approach single guys.....Hmmmmmm